2021 celebrates the 125th Appearance Anniversary Year of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder/Acharya of ISKCON. The TOVP will be recognizing this auspicious appearance year of the Samstapak Acharya (acharya for the next 10,000 years) by welcoming a new, specially designed, one-of-a-kind, life-size murti of Srila Prabhupada created by master sculptor, Locana das (ACBSP), on October 14 & 15. Like no other Prabhupada murti in the world, this murti sits in a ‘worship pose’ personifying his statement, “Mayapur is my place of worship”. Although the murti installation has been re-scheduled for 2022, the Sacred Water Abhisheka from the waters of 125 sacred rivers and the 4 Coin Abhishekas originally planned for the installation will be performed for Prabhupada's new murti at the October Welcome Ceremony. Prabhupada will remain in a room of the TOVP to inspire and oversee the remainder of the construction while receiving daily worship until the official installation, after which he will sit gloriously on his grand Vyasasana for hundreds of years to come, eternally worshiping his Lordships and welcoming all the pilgrims who come to see Them.
Donate today towards our worldwide combined guru dakshina offering to Srila Prabhupada of $1 million at his Welcome Ceremony by sponsoring an abhisheka or seva option below.