Meet our worldwide team of TOVP Ambassadors. Each one of them has dedicated their valuable time to the service of the TOVP by promoting and informing devotees about this important project and by helping donors in their part of the world to make donations. If you need to contact someone below, go to the Donation Details page for their contact information. And become a TOVP Ambassador yourself by telling all your devotee friends and relatives to support the TOVP MISSION 22 MARATHON also to complete the TOVP by 2022. Simply give them the website address and we’ll do the rest.

TOVP U.S. Team

TOVP Foundation Executive Director: Sesa das
Office Manager: Vegavati devi dasi
Database Administrator: Karnapura das
NA Coordinators: Sunanda das & Nandini Kishori devi dasi
Accounting Oversight: Kirtiraja das


TOVP UK/Euro Director: Praghosa das
TOVP UK/Euro Co-Director: Sukanti Radha devi dasi
TOVP UK Manor Accounts: Nila Madhava das
TOVP UK National Office Accounts: Prema Sindhu das
TOVP Europe Accounts: Manohar das

TOVP Europe Team

TOVP UK & Ireland: Sukanti Radha devi dasi
TOVP Belgium: Malati devi dasi
TOVP Germany: Vaidyanath das
TOVP Poland: Krishna Kirtan das
TOVP Slovakia: Trilokatma das
TOVP Slovenia: Urukrama das
TOVP Italy: Citarupini devi dasi
TOVP Hungary: Radha Krishna das
TOVP Austria: Nava Kishori devi dasi
TOVP Switzerland: Krsna Premarupa das

TOVP Canada Team

Indresh das
Tusti Mohan das
Rasaraja das
Keshava das: Keshava is based in Mayapur, but spends time in Toronto also

TOVP South Africa Team

Nanda Kishore das

TOVP Australia Team

Adelaide: Anand Lakshmanan das
Brisbane: Varsana Radhe dasi
Sydney: Vijay Gopikesh das
New Govardhan: Hari Bhakti devi dasi
Melbourne: Guru Vandana devi dasi
Perth: Muralidhara das

TOVP New Zealand

Krishna Candra das

TOVP Malaysia

Simheswara das

TOVP Fiji Team

Vishwanath das

TOVP Russia Team

Narayani Radha devi dasi

TOVP Ukraine Team

Gopi Nandini Devi Dasi

TOVP Middle East Team

Doha (Krishna Katha Desh): Rasanath Gopal das
Kuwait (Kanhaiyyadesh): Manibhushana Krishna das & Braja Prakash das
Bahrain (Balaram Desh): Varada Gopal das & Udara Kirti Caitanya das
Muscat (Mathuradesh): Vraja Prana das
Sharjah (Shyamdesh): Athichandra das & Radhabhava Gaur das
Dubai (Damodardesh): Sri Vallabha das
