TOVP Opening the A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum on February 18, 2024
The TOVP A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum, a Tribute to the legacy of our Founder-Acharya, is another grand project being undertaken by the TOVP Team under the direction of its Chairman Ambarisa das and Vice Chairman Braja Vilasa das. Phase 1 of the museum is scheduled to open during a grand and historic celebration on
TOVP 2025 Calendars for North America and India
The TOVP Communications Department is pleased to release the TOVP 2025 calendars for North America and India as free, online flipbooks that are viewable, downloadable and shareable. This year’s calendar has been dedicated to our great supporter, ISKCON leader, and ‘Prabhupada Man’, His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami to honor his legacy of devotional service to
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In this video, Braja Vilasa thanks all our supporters and donors for their continuous help over the years of construction, and wishes all devotees a very happy, spiritually fulfilling and Krishna conscious New Year in the service of Sri Guru and Gauranga. 2025 and 2026 will be the years we focus on the completion of
TOVP - The Adbhuta Mandir?

TOVP – The Adbhuta Mandir?

Since construction began on the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Sridham Mayapur in 2009, many devotees have argued back and forth whether the TOVP is the Adbhuta* Mandir referred to in a prediction by Sri Nityananda Prabhu while taking Jiva Goswami on a parikrama of Navadvipa mandala. The exact quote from the Navadvipa Dhama
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TOVP Main Wing Diamonds of the Dome Campaign
The Nrsimhadeva Wing was opened with a grand ceremony in March, 2024, with 432 beautiful, gold-leafed, diamond-like coffers mounted onto 1700 steel brackets inside the 82ft (25m) high dome. They are acoustically designed to reduce excess echoing in the hall during kirtan. Now is the opportunity to sponsor the 432 coffers being installed into the
The TOVP Story 1971-2024 – From Kutir to Mandir
The new TOVP flipbook, The TOVP Story 1971-2024 – From Kutir to Mandir is available for free online to read, download and share. Follow the incredible story of the rise of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium from a straw hut in rat and cobra infested rice fields in the middle of nowhere of 1971
On October 31, the auspicious day of Dipawali, the TOVP celebrated the Jvala Nrsimhotsava Festival of Lights for Lord Nrsimhadeva, marking the completion of Phase 2 of the Nrsimha Wing construction. Thousands of devotees from all over the world were present for this historic event, marking another milestone in the TOVP progress. This short video
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On March 1-2, 2024, the Nrsimhadeva Wing in the TOVP reached the first milestone and opened for all devotees to view. To celebrate the next milestone of completion, another grand celebration took place on Diwali, October 31, 2024: Jvala Nrsimhotsava, Festival of Lights for Nrsimhadeva. This second completion celebration concluded Phase 2 of the Wing
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