His Grace Jananivas Prabhu Speaks About the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser, May 7 – 17, 2019
Mon, May 06, 2019
by Sunanda Das
The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser from May 7th (Akshaya Tritita) until May 17th (Nrsimha Caturdasi) is now underway. His Grace Jananivas prabhu speaks about the importance of the TOVP and participating in this 10 day window of opportunity to make a donation to the project. The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching
- Published in Fundraising
May 7, Akshaya Tritiya – The Auspicious Launch of the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser May 7-17
Sun, May 05, 2019
by Sunanda Das
The most auspicious day for giving, Akshaya Tritiya is here! And the #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser is starting. Please be a generous TOVP Giver and your gift will be matched by TOVP Chairman, Ambarisa prabhu. Simply go to the website address below and select your donation, large or small. Even if you
- Published in Fundraising
Akshaya Tritiya, Nrsimha Caturdasi, and the TOVP
Fri, April 26, 2019
by Sunanda Das
What do Akshaya Tritiya (May 7th) and Nrsimha Caturdasi (May 17th) have in common, aside from occurring in the same month of the year? Akshaya Tritiya is commonly understood in the Vedic calendar to be the most auspicious day for beginning any undertaking and for making a donation, especially for a spiritual cause. Any action
- Published in Fundraising
Ambarisa and Braja Vilasa Prabhus Visit Three U.S. Temples
Thu, April 18, 2019
by Sunanda Das
Braja Vilasa prabhu, the International Fundraising Director of the TOVP, recently paid a visit to the TOVP office in Alachua, Florida. He also arranged to visit three temples in the U.S. with Ambarisa prabhu during that time, and to have some private home programs as arranged by local temple presidents. This ‘tour’, more like a
- Published in Fundraising, Tour
The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser
Mon, March 18, 2019
by Sunanda Das
On the auspicious occasion of Gaur Purnima 2019 the TOVP Fundraising Team is pleased to announce the launch of the promotion campaign for our exciting 10 day fundraising event from May 7th (Akshaya Tritiya) until May 17th (Nrsimha Caturdasi). The #Giving TOVP 10 Day Worldwide Matching Fundraiser is exactly what it sounds like, a 10
- Published in Fundraising, Festivals
TOVP Donation list and Akshaya Tritiya: The Day of Giving
Thu, May 05, 2011
by Braja Vilasa Das
Dear Devotees and Friends,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The TEMPLE OF THE VEDIC PLANETARIUM (TOVP) team thanks all our donors for their generous support. We are grateful for your commitment and spirit of giving. The capacity to donate online to the TOVP has been available for just a month, and
- Published in Fundraising