What do Akshaya Tritiya (May 7th) and Nrsimha Caturdasi (May 17th) have in common, aside from occurring in the same month of the year? Akshaya Tritiya is commonly understood in the Vedic calendar to be the most auspicious day for beginning any undertaking and for making a donation, especially for a spiritual cause. Any action begun on this day will have everlasting and increasing effects and any service or charity one performs on this day will be rewarded many times over. And, of course, Nrsimha Caturdasi is the most celebrated appearance of our beloved half-lion/half-man incarnation of the Lord who protected His dearmost devotee, Prahlad.
In Vedic history these prominent historical events occurred on Akshaya Tritiya:
- Lord Parasurama appeared
- Mother Ganga descended
- Candana-yatra begins
- Vyasa began writing Mahabharata
- Sudama was blessed by Lord Krishna
- Draupadi received an unlimited sari
However, this year the common line up of these two extremely favorable and popular days present a 10 day window of opportunity to support the #Giving TOVP Worldwide Matching Fundraiser from May 7 – 17. This unique and historic online fundraising event is an opportunity for all ISKCON devotees to unify during these auspicious dates and double their donations, large or small, to the TOVP to help insure that it is completed by 2022, and our world Deities Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva and Sri Nrsimha are finally moved into Their long-awaited new home on the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON Mayapur. Ambarisa prabhu, TOVP Chairman, will match all donations capping at $125,000 and we have set our sites on raising a total of $250,000+ during this marathon.
We encourage every devotee in ISKCON to participate in this strategically timed fundraiser, and to also inform all their devotee friends and relatives about it also. Help spread the word to give everyone the opportunity for this once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity.
“If the devotee offers something to the Lord, it acts for his own interest because whatever a devotee offers the Lord comes back in a quantity a million times greater than what was offered. One does not become a loser by giving to the Lord; one becomes a gainer by millions of times.”
Srila Prabhupada, Krsna Book Ch. 81, The Brahmana Sudama Blessed by Lord Krishna
“He who has built a temple for Vishnu reaps the great fruit which one gains by celebrating sacrifices every day. By building a temple for the Lord he takes his family, a hundred generations past and a hundred to come, to the region of Acyuta.”
Agni Purana
Go to this TOVP website address during May 7 – 17 and make your offering in the fire of the #Giving TOVP Fundraising yajna: https://tovp.org/donate/seva-opportunities/giving-tovp-fundraiser/
TOVP – Together Offer Victory to Prabhupada
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