TOVP - The Second Hare Krishna Explosion
In 1984, Srila Prabhupada’s dear disciple and first editor, Hayagriva dasa, published his long-awaited book, The Hare Krishna Explosion, The Birth of Krishna Consciousness in America, 1966-1969. In it he described the earliest days of the Hare Krishna Movement, soon to become ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna consciousness, and the ensuing explosion of growth
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TOVP Celebrates Dipawali Jvala Nrsimhotsava with Our 1000 Dipas Sponsorship Campaign
On October 31, Dipawali, the TOVP will celebrate the Jvala Nrsimhotsva Festival of Lights for Lord Nrsimhadeva, marking the next milestone phase in completing the Nrsimha Wing. Participate in this historic and auspicious occasion by sponsoring one or more of our dipa lamps to be offered to Mayapur Lord Nrsimha for USD 11 / INR
HG Braja Vilasa invites all devotees to participate in the next milestone achievement of the TOVP, the Jvala Nrsimhotsava Festival of Lights for Lord Nrsimhadeva on October 31, Diwali. Having opened on March 1, 2024 at 80% completion, the Nrsimhadeva Wing has now finished Phase 2 in our progress, and we are celebrating with another
Kartik and the TOVP Jvala Nrsimhotsava, October 31, 2024
A Message from Ambarisa and Braja Vilasa Prabhus   Dear Worldwide ISKCON Devotees and Congregation, Please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We would like to wish you a happy Kartik month full of divine service to Lord Damodar, and hope you and your family are well and in blissful Krishna conscious spirits.
Jvala Nrsimhotsava, Festival of Lights for Nrsimhadeva, October 31, 2024
On March 1-2, 2024, the Nrsimhadeva Wing in the TOVP reached the first milestone and opened for all devotees to view. Now, to celebrate the next milestone of completion of the construction work in the Wing, another grand celebration is scheduled on Diwali, October 31, 2024: Jvala Nrsimhotsava, Festival of Lights for Nrsimhadeva. This completion
TOVP Urgent Call To Action: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum is Looking for Prabhupada Tadiya to Open in February, 2025
The TOVP A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum is now scheduled to open it’s first 1000 sq. ft. section in February, 2025 in what is now the current residence of Srila Prabhupada’s TOVP murti. The next phase will expand to 6000 sq. ft., and finally be completed at a huge 21,000 sq. ft.. This state-of-the-art, world-class
Kamika Ekadasi and the TOVP, 2024
Kamika ekadasi is celebrated as Krishna Paksha ekadasi in the month of Shravan. Observing this ekadasi is considered as auspicious as performing an Ashwamedha Yajna. As Gaudiya Vaishnavas, our main aim during ekadasi is to decrease bodily demands so we can spend more time in seva, especially hearing and chanting about the Lord’s pastimes and
In this video HG Braja Vilasa announces the development of the Srila Prabhupada International Heritage Museum in the TOVP. He appeals to all Srila Prabhupada disciples to come forward and present any memorabilia of his they have in their possession for use in this glorious, world-class and largest museum of its kind, to preserve and