God, Intelligent Design and Fine-Tuning
By T.D. Singh (Bhaktiswarupa Damodar Swami)
Is God no longer necessary in a world that is increasingly influenced by a scientific temper? Or, on the contrary, have the findings of modern sciences forced us to approach the question of the existence of God in new ways?
The scientific enterprise has gifted us the ability to examine and contemplate deeply the mysterious and beautiful order behind nature. Over the past four decades modern biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of cells and has revealed us the marvelous design even at the molecular level. Advancements in science have also shown us some of the precise laws and unique fundamental constants in the universe. All these facts and observations point to a fine-tuned and specially designed universe with a purpose by a Supreme Being or God. As one journey through the newly discovered marvels of the cosmos and life discussed in this volume, one will be compelled to reexamine his opinion concerning the origins, evolution and essence of this wonderful world in which we live.
Author: By T.D. Singh (Bhaktiswarupa Damodar Swami)
Published: September 20, 2020
Book/File size: 2982 KB
Formats: Kindle
Residents of India will have to search for this book on www.amazon.in
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