On Saturday, May 16th we left Bloomington, Illinois for the Chicago temple. However, along the way we paid a surprise visit to His Holiness Radhanath Swami who was staying nearby.
Arriving at the temple, we set up our TOVP presentation banners and prepared for the Sunday program. The Chicago temple is a very large building and houses the presiding Deities of Sri Sri Radha Kishor Kishori, Sri Sri Gaur Nitai, and Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. The congregation of devotees is very large and we expected a good crowd.
Devotees started arriving for the evening arati and darshan of the Padukas and Sitari, after which the Temple President, Nityananda Pran prabhu, introduced the TOVP Team. Radha Jivan and Jananivas spoke again about the importance of Mayapur Dhama and building the TOVP. Pledges began to come in and by the program’s end close to $300,000 was pledged. After a puspa abhisheka to the Padukas and Sitari prasadam was served.