We arrived in Columbus, Ohio on the evening of Wednesday, June 24th, and stayed at the home of Prema Sindhu and Lila Valisini prabhus. The next day, Tuesday, June 25th, we moved to the home of temple president, Naveen Krishna and his wife Vraja Bhakti (named Radha Madhava House).
We visited the small Columbus temple and then made our way to a rented hall for the TOVP program. The hall filled with about 200 devotees and congregation members who enthusiastically performed a puspanjali ceremony for the Padukas and Sitari, after which Radha Jivan and Jananivas spoke about the TOVP project. The inspired crowd was moved to pledge over $300,000 to the TOVP, after which prasadam was served.
After the program we visited the home of one of the temple managers, Prema Vilas and his wife Lalita. Before departing the next day Jananivas performed a Lakshmi Nrsimha installation in Naveen Krishna’s home and we visited the home of Shyamesvar and Pinki.
All glories to Lord Nityananda Rama. All glories to the devotees of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.