On Friday, June 19th, after arriving at the home of Temple President Krishna Kirtan and his wife Shyamala and their children Gauranga and Vasudeva, we made our way over to the temple of this small but dedicated and growing community of devotees for the TOVP presentation.
During arati the Padukas and Sitari received Their abhisheka and puspanjali from the hands of all the devotees. Our presentation took place outside in a grassy area on the temple grounds and was attended by about 60 devotees and congregation members. Radha Jivana and Jananivas prabhus spoke to the attentive audience and when the fundraising was over we received almost $130,000 from this wonderful devotee community. Prasadam was then served to all the Vaishnavas.
All glories to Lord Nityananda Rama. All glories to the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.