TOVP Tour Diary Day 17 – Rama-navami at New Nilacala Dhama
Mon, April 06, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On Saturday, March 28th, we celebrated Rama-navami at the Philadelphia temple in great bliss with over 125 devotees attending. The festival included an elaborate abhisheka of Sita Rama organized by Jananivas prabhu, kirtans by Visnu Gada prabhu and others and a lecture by Jananivas. Sikhi Mahiti then introduced the TOVP Team and handed the program
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 16 – An Evening With Jananivas Prabhu
Mon, April 06, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On Friday, March 27th we took a day off. In the evening devotees came to the temple for sanga of Mayapur katha with Jananivas prabhu.
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 15 – Visiting Govinda’s To Go, Gaur Nitai, and Harinama
Mon, April 06, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On Thursday, March 26th, we went to South Philadelphia to visit the temple/restaurant run by Haryasva prabhu for the last 20+ years. He has been worshiping Gaur Nitai Deities made in Ekachakra made by the same devotee who made Aindra prabhu’s Deities. After enjoying his special veggie wraps we went on Harinama and then returned
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 14 – A Visit to Gita Nagari
Mon, April 06, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On Wednesday, March 25th, we brought the Padukas, Sitari and Jananivas prabhu to visit the historic Gita Nagari farm established by Srila Prabhupada and home of Sri Sri Radha Damodar, the beloved Deities of Visnujana Swami during the Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtan Party days. After being greeted by the devotees with kirtan, the Padukas and
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Gita Nagari
TOVP Tour Diary Day 13 – Arrival at ISKCON Philadelphia, New Nilacala
Sun, March 29, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On the morning of Tuesday, March 24th we set out by car on a 7 hour drive to our next destination, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although not the original temple in Philadelphia, the Hare Krishna movement has been present there since Srila Prabhupada’s time. We arrived around 7pm in the evening greeted by kirtan and discussed our
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 12 – Jananivas Prabhu Deity Seva Seminar
Fri, March 27, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On the evening of Monday, March 23rd, the temple filled up again to hear Jananivas prabhu speak on Deity worship. For almost two hours he spoke, bringing great happiness to all the devotees present.
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 11 – $230,000 Raised in New Goloka Dhama
Fri, March 27, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On the morning of Sunday, March 22nd, the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari were greeted at the temple with kirtan and an abhishek and arati, and placed on the altar. In the evening we made our TOVP presentation to the Hillsborough community. This temple was built and started by His Holiness Bir Krishna Goswami in the
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 10 – Travel to Hillsborough, North Carolina, New Goloka Dhama
Fri, March 27, 2015
by Sunanda Das
Saturday, March 21st was a day of traveling, flying to North Carolina to the community of devotees in Hillsborough, North Carolina. We arrived too late in the evening for any temple greeting and went straight to our accommodations at the house of Aditya Narayana prabhu and his wife.
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TOVP Tour Diary Day 9 – $200,000 Pledged from Denver Temple
Fri, March 27, 2015
by Sunanda Das
On Friday, March 20th, the TOVP presentation took place to an audience of about 75 devotees. The Padukas received an abhisheka during an ecstatic kirtan while Jananivas placed Lord Nrsinghadeva’s Sitari on everyone’s head. Temple President Tusta Krishna prabhu introduced the TOVP Team consisting of Jananivas prabhu, Radha Jivan prabhu, Vraja Vilas prabhu and Sunanda
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