TOVP Announces: Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies Online Summer School
Mon, July 01, 2024
by Sunanda Das
We are happy to announce the inaugural Bhaktivedanta Institute Summer School (online-only). Everyone is encouraged to register for free (registration deadline: 10th July)! Please register and advertise this within your circles. Program: Four amazing sessions of online presentations of the latest research and projects of the BI covering: Mind & Consciousness, the Philosophy of Science,
- Published in Science
The TOVP, Bhaktivedanta Institute and Intelligent Design
Sun, November 26, 2023
by Sunanda Das
One of Srila Prabhupada’s most important steps in developing ISKCON was the creation of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, the scientific arm of his preaching strategy, which would present Vedic wisdom in the light of modern science, and defeat the prominence of mechanistic and atheistic concepts. At around the same time, the Intelligent Design movement, comprised of
- Published in Educational, Science