Upcoming Work at the TOVP
Wed, May 20, 2020
by Sunanda Das
We are pleased to present a 3D image renderings collection of some of the upcoming work at the TOVP, and what you can expect to see as we move closer and closer to the Grand Opening in 2022. What you will see below are 3D image renderings of Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana, the Grand Deity altar
- Published in Art, Architecture & Design
TOVP 2018 Progress Report
Sun, March 04, 2018
by Parijata Dasi
In this 2018 progress report video by TOVP Managing Director, Sadbhuja das you will see the work achieved in 2017, our plans for 2018, and preparations for the Grand Opening in 2022. Part of the presentation is a beautiful 3D visualization of the entire TOVP Master Plan that includes the temple, Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi and
- Published in Construction, Inspiration