“Godhead is Light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience.”
These words were immortally etched on Srila Prabhupada’s original Back to Godhead magazines in the mid-1940s, and remain there today. They are forever true, and the Hare Krishna movement was founded with this underlying principle in mind.
The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium, as envisioned by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, is meant to be a world class educational center from which the light of Vedic knowledge and science will be disseminated. This will be achieved through the Cosmology Chandelier, Planetarium, Science Center, state-of-the-art exhibits, books and publications, regular conferences, summits and symposiums, and much more.
While we are still a long way off from that plan fully manifesting, we are beginning some online outreach to the general public in a small way, by presenting some of the basic concepts of Vedic wisdom and Krishna consciousness through videos, audios, books, and essays by learned devotees on different subjects. This will be done through promotion of a specially designed Landing Page on the TOVP website located on the Main Menu as VEDIC SCIENCE.
We encourage all devotees to take advantage of this outreach opportunity by sharing this page using the link below and expanding the preaching mission, thus dispelling the darkness of nescience with the light of Godhead.
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