In celebration of Sri Krishna Janmasthami and Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja Part Two of the film series documenting the construction of Prabhuapada’s flagship project Temple of the Vedic Planetarium in Mayapur, West, Bengal, India, has been released.
While Part One entitled “The Cosmos out of the Rice Fields” explores the history and start-up of the project, Part Two of the series focuses more on the community behind this ambitious project, and points out that it is just as much selfless dedication, respect, and cooperation than bricks and marble that have been the main building blocks of the development.
Executive producer: Alfred B. Ford
Director/Producer: Dr. Krisztina Danka
Photography: Filip Cargonja, Denes Doboveczki
Sound: Stipe Kristic, Gyula Szarnyas
Editing: Szabolcs Guth
Studio: Karuna Productions (
Music: BB Govinda Swami, Gaurangi Dasi, Gunagrahi Das