This week we asked Muni Patni Devi Dasi, a resident of Mayapur Dham, if she could share her thoughts on the philosophy behind the Temple Of The Vedic Planetarium. Muni Patni d.d. is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, and moved to Mayapur this past October, 2009 with her husband, Purujit Das, and daughter Mandakini dasi.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my humble obedience’s.
The future of “The Golden Age” is upon us. The transcendental vision coming down from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of this Temple of the Vedic Planetarium will prove to be astronomical in our preaching efforts. The global impact that this project could make would never end, and the mercy of Mahaprabhu’s temple will shine like a beacon in the dark. I am very fortunate to witness the progress of the ToVP on a day to day basis, and the kirtan of construction never ceases to remind me of the words of our Lord, Sri Krsna.
As we all know “…Without the sanction of the Supreme will, nothing can take place”. Therefore the desire of the Lord is flooding this wonderful land with a monumental project that will reach every corner of the world. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura envisioned it, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati spoke of it in detail, and our Srila Prabhupada has set it into motion. In actuality it is already built. The transcendental message of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is that The Supreme Lord showed Arjuna on the battlefield that He had already killed everyone, but Arjuna still had to fight with his arrows and be the instrument of the Lord. So, with this understanding no one should squint an eye at this most glorious undertaking! On the contrary everyone should raise their arms and chant loudly the names of Lord Hari, and grab on tight; giving all of their heartfelt support, blessings and prostrated gratitude that we can be of some service. Devotees are so fortunate to be allowed to witness in this life the fructification of the visions of the Great Acaryas; that which will undoubtedly shine through the next ten thousand years.
All glories to the Vaisnava devotees who are absorbed in fulfilling the desire of our predecessor acharyas.
Your aspiring servant,
Muni Patni d.d. (ACBSP)