On the ninth of July, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami graced the construction site of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium with his presence. After a discussion with Lavanga Manjari Devi Dasi (our Chief Finance Officer) concerning the required funds for the completion of the temple, He gave her Shrimati Radharani’s flower garland, saying that Lakshmi is an expansion of Radharani, and will aid us in the collection of the remaining funds.
Jayapataka Swami has been a key figure in the new Temple planning. Since he has been away, Mayapur has not had the same spark. His Holiness will now be staying in the Dham for an extended period of six to eight months, and His disciples / followers are ecstatic. We here at the ToVP offices are also looking forward to His continuous personal involvement in making the Temple rise. It will be a pleasure and a blessing for Him to participate in our meetings and planning.
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