The TOVP Team have coined a new inspiring slogan using the very letters of the temple’s name itself: Together Offer Victory to Prabhupada!
In addressing history itself, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium stands to be one of the most important and iconic monuments to Gaudiya Vaisnavism and the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And in further consideration of the rarity of Mahaprabhu’s appearance to spread the Yuga Dharma, and the even rarer manifestation of His opening the flood gates of Krishna prema to all souls, the TOVP embodies an opportunity over the next 10,000 years (literally a fraction in universal time) for all fortunate people to achieve the highest possible destination of the soul: entrance into the Goloka pastimes of Sri Krishna.
And our receiving this most rare and opportune mercy, and participation in distributing it to others, is possible only by the efforts of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, whose devotion and dedication to the mission of the Lord and the acharyas has revealed him to be the empowered Commander in Chief (Senapati Bhakta) of the Lord Himself. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said this from His own mouth in Caitanya-mangala:
“I want to flood the whole world with the chanting of the holy names. I will personally preach and flood India with Harinama sankirtana. My senapati bhakta (Commander in Chief) will come, preach in distant countries and flood the world with the chanting of Hare Krishna.”
Factually, Srila Prabhupada is already victorious in his mission. But it is his mercy that he has left us with the expansion and completion of that mission. In that process of filling in the details of “the house in which the whole world can live”, we, his servants, are instruments for his further victory and glory. In the Brahma- vaivarta Purana Lord Krishna also makes this prediction:
“On behalf of the sacred rivers (Yamuna, Kaveri, Godavari, Sindhu, Sarasvati and Narmada), Ganga Devi says, “Lord Krishna, we see that Your pastimes are ending and that people are becoming more materialistic. After You leave, all the sinful people of Kali-yuga will take bath in our waters, and we will become overwhelmed with sinful reactions.”
Lord Krishna smiled and replied,
“Be patient. After 5,000 years My mantra upasaka (worshiper of the holy name) will appear and spread the chanting of the holy name everywhere. Not only in India but all over the world people will chant ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.’ By this chanting the whole world will become eka varna (one class or designation), namely, hari-bhaktas, devotees of the Supreme Lord Krishna. Because the devotees of Hari are pure, anyone who contacts them will become purified of sinful reactions. These pure devotees will visit India and purify you of your sinful reactions by bathing in your sacred waters. The period of worldwide chanting of Hare Krishna will continue for 10,000 years.
The building of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium will serve many purposes in this prediction, most important of which is to establish the Hare Krishna Movement on the Earth for the next 10,000 years, the Golden Age of Kali-yuga. By this act, the yuga dharma of Harinam Sankirtan will be put in place and the entire human society will be put on the path back to Godhead. And in that sense every temple is a small TOVP in its own right, being empowered by the original manifestation of this unique temple in the sacred birthplace of the Lord.
Be a part of this legacy of the TOVP. Become one of the pioneers who helped establish the Hare Krishna Movement. The time has come now for us to be absolutely united and focused on offering this wonderful temple manifesting in Sridhama Mayapur to Srila Prabhupada in 2022, the temple being built by the hands of every devotee. As Srila Prabhupada said, “The temple is already built, but you can take the credit”. And in doing so we can:
Together Offer Victory to Prabhupada!
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