Every year, non-profit organizations worldwide organize an online effort called #Giving Tuesday described on the website www.givingtuesday.org as a “Global Giving Movement”. People are encouraged to open their hearts to the giving attitude, at least on that day, and support Causes that are important to them.
This year, U.S. based Facebook and Youtube teamed up to match donations given through the U.S. Facebook portal up to $7 million. And although we got a late start, not being familiar with the #Giving Tuesday program, our TOVP fundraiser raised $25,829 for the MISSION 22 MARATHON. Almost one hundred devotees stepped up to the plate and gave their might to help with the understanding that their donations would be matched. We are most grateful for their enthusiasm and support.
However, during the day we heard that the Facebook/Youtube matching funds account had already been dispersed and there would be no more matching of donations. We weren’t sure if this was just a rumor, and were also concerned that donors would be disappointed if their donations were not matched. We discussed the implications amongst ourselves and brought this to the attention of Ambarisa prabhu, the TOVP Chairman. He solved the whole dilemma by himself offering to match the donations if Facebook and Youtube did not. Our hero.
We have yet to hear from Facebook if our fundraiser was matched, either in part or whole, but in either case all our donors can rest assured that your efforts to have your funds matched will bare their fruit one way or the other. Thank you again and all glories to your service.
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