While giving in charity for hospitals and schools, feeding the poor and other philanthropic activities has its place, as devotees our main ‘charity’ is to give to Krishna, specifically for the purpose of helping the sankirtana movement spread through the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books, building of temples, prasadam distribution, etc.. This is especially the duty of the householders who earn money, and such an act of charity guarantees them advancement in spiritual life.
“This service of spiritual value with your hard-earned money on behalf of Godhead, will be recognized by the Lord and you will be blessed with spiritual enlightenment in your life without fail.”
Srila Prabhupada
Of course, there are many ISKCON projects to donate to during this one-day event. But if you are so inclined, please consider giving to the TOVP by offering a one-time donation or making a pledge towards a specific campaign option such as the Prabhupada Seva 125 India Govt. minted Prabhupada Coin. Or consider making a pledge payment or even completing your pledge. All these options are available on the Seva Opportunities Page of the TOVP website.
And if you live in the US, Facebook will match donations through the TOVP Foundation Facebook Page. Please visit the page for specific instructions.
As you, the readers may know, the TOVP is the last major temple project personally requested by Srila Prabhupada that remains unfinished. It is the crest jewel of all his temples and is located at ISKCON’s World Headquarters in the most sacred land in the universe at Sridhama Mayapur, the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is the “rising tide that lifts all boats”, meaning all ISKCON temples, centers and projects will benefit from establishing this temple, and from here Krishna consciousness will spread like it’s never done before.
“The more you help develop Mayapur, the more Lord Chaitanya will bless your area of the world and it will flourish”
Srila Prabhupada letter to Hari-sauri
Please give to the TOVP on GIVING TUESDAY this year and help complete this temple ‘built by the hands of every devotee’ so we can open the floodgates of Krishna prema to the world in 2024.
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