Sponsor a Square Foot or Meter

  • Fulfill Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's prophecy.
  • Satisfy the heart's desire of Srila Prabhupada.
  • Be a part of the Square Foot Legacy
  • Easy to do, just fill out our online form!
  • Small steps toward a large goal.
  • Every square foot counts.
  • Share with your friends!

For devotees who don’t have the financial means to make a large donation but have their heart set on helping to build the TOVP, you can donate towards one or more square feet and feel happy that you did your utmost for Srila Prabhupada. The TOVP is 300,000 square feet and every square foot or meter you sponsor brings us a another step closer to completing the TOVP. We thank you for your sacrifice and devotion.

The first 6 Square Feet you sponsor must be paid in full at the time of selection. After that you may select the installment option and choose the amount and time-frame for making payments. You can also choose a custom recurring payment amount which will be charged monthly until you request to cancel it. But if you have the capacity, kindly consider the urgency and importance of the MISSION 24 Marathon and pay in full. And also think about sponsoring a Square Foot on behalf of your guru or a family member. You can sponsor up to 50 Square Feet.

Become a TOVP Ambassador and tell all your devotee friends and family to participate in the MISSION 26 Marathon to open the TOVP by 2026.

  REMINDER: We request you to please complete your pledge payments by 2026 to insure our financial solvency for completing the TOVP on time. Thus, kindly consider making your payment in full or selecting a larger recurring payment to help us meet our urgently needed monthly budget. Thank you.

  The below payment options are all set up for auto-withdrawal through recurring payments towards your pledge. If you prefer to make payments in your own time-frame, use the General Donations option and indicate this in the Notes section of the donation form along with the option you are donating for (Brick, Coin, etc.) each time you make a payment. If you prefer to make your pledge payments by check or bank transfer, go to the Donation Details/Contacts page and scroll down to your country for the check mailing address and bank transfer information. Note that if you are using this individual payment method you will have to remember to make your regular payments as you will not be on our auto-pay system. Your timely payments will be very much appreciated.

  ATTENTION: When offering your donation, please make sure to select the right country payment gateway and currency type so you can be provided with the proper receipt for your tax purposes.

  United Kingdom and Euro residents please use these options:
PayPal UK (one-time): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TOVPUK
Manor website UK (one-time): https://m.tovp.org/tovpuk
Direct Debit form UK (auto-recurring): https://tovp.org/donate/tovp-uk-direct-debit-form
PayPal Euro (one-time): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TOVPEU
For assistance contact Sukanti Radha devi dasi:
Phone:+44 7803 608641

  Canadian residents please go to this website to make your offering: http://www.tovpcanada.org/donate.html

  PAYMENTS BY CHECK AND WIRE TRANSFER: To make payments by check go ​to Donation Details page. To make payments by bank wire transfer ​​go to Bank Transfer Details page.

  The TOVP now accepts cryptocurrency for donations. Click on the link to be redirected to our Donate Crypto Page to make your payment.

USD $ 150

You have chosen to donate $150.00 once.

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Donation Total: $150.00

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Once your pledge is made and/or you have selected the recurring payment amount you will be able to view your Donation History and access a receipt at any time by going to the DONOR DASHBOARD.

