A world-class spiritual and educational landmark for humanity
Founders: Ambarisa Das and Svaha Dasi
OPENING FEB 18, 2025

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The TOVP A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum, a Tribute to the legacy of our Founder-Acharya, is another grand project being undertaken by the TOVP Team. The projected size will begin with 1000 sq. ft., and in its fully developed stage will be a remarkable, state-of-the-art, world-class museum of 21,000 sq. ft., the largest of its kind for any spiritual leader in history.

The idea for such a museum is long overdue, and currently most of Srila Prabhupada’s memorabilia (tadiya) is scattered across the Earth, in the hands of various devotees and temples. We are attempting to collect these sacred artifacts from individual devotees and place them in one central location at ISKCON’s World Headquarters in Sridham Mayapur, Srila Prabhupada’s ‘Place of Worship’. Once there they can be properly preserved and displayed for the benefit of millions of visitors and devotees to view for generations to come.

Please scroll down to read about the features of the museum and why gifting your Srila Prabhupada tadiya is the most important thing you can do right now. If you know someone who is in possession of such paraphernalia, please share this website page with them.


aradhananam sarvesham
visnor aradhanam param
tasmad parataram devi
tadiyanam samarcanam

“O Devi, the most exalted system of worship is the worship of Lord Vishnu. Greater than that is the worship of tadiya, or anything belonging to Vishnu.”

Lord Siva from Padma Purana

Srila Prabhupada comments on this verse,

“Sri Vishnu is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. Similarly the most confidential servant of Kṛshna, the spiritual master, and all devotees of Vishnu are tadiya. The sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, guru, Vaishnavas and things used by them must be considered tadiya, and without a doubt worshipable by all living beings.”

(Cc. Madhya 12.38 purport)

Museum Features

  • A chronological history of Srila Prabhupada’s life will be presented through images, documents, multimedia presentations, a theater, dioramas, etc.
  • Historical artifacts will be displayed with appropriate photos of Prabhupada using them, when available.
  • Sacred art he commissioned will be displayed.
  • A large collection of the best photos of Srila Prabhupada will be displayed.
  • Guided tours will be available for in-depth explanations.
  • Seminars and workshops will educate and inspire visitors.
  • A library and archives with books, letters, audios and videos will be available for research.
  • Special events will be scheduled for further inspiration.
  • Sacred spaces for reflection, meditation and japa will be made available.
  • A gift shop will provide gifts, souvenirs, books, etc. for visitors.
  • Prasadam distribution will be an essential part of the visitor experience.

Why to Give?

Srila Prabhupada standing with cane image
  • Preserving antiquated items on your own is not an easy task. We will make every effort possible to preserve your Prabhupada paraphernalia for hundreds of years.
  • While in your possession Prabhupada’s tadiya may be safe, but after you pass away, even if you leave it to someone in your last Will, who will take care of them? They may be stolen, discarded or trashed, and thus lost forever. Who can guarantee they will be properly cared for?
  • While you may enjoy the spiritual pleasure of having Prabhupada paraphernalia in your home, imagine the benefit to millions of visitors to the TOVP.
  • The concept of this museum is long overdue. Srila Prabhupada’s legacy in this form is absolutely essential for posterity.
  • Please consider what Srila Prabhupada would want you to do.

NOTE: If you do not wish to give your Srila Prabhupada tadiya at this time, please consider giving it to the TOVP in your Last Will and Testament. However, such a decision will not guarantee the items will reach us, as they may be misplaced, damaged, stolen or even lost.

What To Give

Srila Prabhupada's typewriter from Hawaii
Srila Prabhupada's harmonium from Hawaii
Srila Prabhupada's cooker from Hawaii
  • Clothing
  • Typewriters, dictaphones, etc.
  • Musical instruments
  • Bedding, cushions, etc.
  • Personal belongings (eyeglasses, canes, toiletries, etc.)
  • Furniture (Vyasasanas, beds, chairs, desks, etc.)
  • Handwritten/typed documents (letters, legal, etc.)
  • Original books and pamphlets printed during his presence
  • Artwork he personally commissioned

How to Give?

In India, Europe and the UK:
Daivi Sakti Dasi
+91 93685 86564

In North, Central and South America:
Sunanda Das
+1 443-621-7940
Srutirupa Dasi

All Other Countries:
Braja Vilasa Das
+91 96359 90391 (WhatsApp)

 NOTE: If you do not wish to give your Srila Prabhupada tadiya at this time, please consider giving it to the TOVP in your Last Will and Testament.


Download and view the A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Legacy Museum brochure

