Planned Giving Offerings to Help Complete and Secure the Future of the TOVP

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Hare Krishna TOVP Foundation supporters. We are excited to partner with FreeWill, the U.S. leader in offering free Last Wills and Revocable Living Trusts (RLT) to provide you with these and other Planned Giving services, for your peace of mind. Please take some time to look through the various gifting products available to you, which will impact the future development, maintenance, and promotion of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium for generations to come. Some of the Planned Giving options below can be used for pledge payments, and others for one-time donations, and offer tax-deductible benefits to you while helping the TOVP, now and into the future.


Learn more about the company and what they do by following this link:

70% of adults in the U.S. do not have a will.

Estate planning is traditionally considered complex, scary, and expensive. That’s why we set out to build a simple tool that anyone can use to create these important documents. All estate plans made using FreeWill are 100% legal and specifically tailored to your jurisdiction.

Here at FreeWill, we also believe in the human instinct to do good—that’s why we’ve made charitable giving especially easy. To date, people have used our platform to commit more than $9.6B+ to nonprofit organizations.

FreeWill really is free!

Our no-cost estate planning tools are made possible by the support of hundreds of nonprofit organizations that work on meaningful issues.

Many people who create their estate plans on FreeWill choose to leave a gift to a cause they care about, and we hope you’ll consider doing the same. It's never too soon to consider the legacy you want to leave behind.

Why use FreeWill?

To be thoughtful

Make important decisions where they belong – at home.

To be kind

Support the people and causes that mean the most to you

To be savvy

Save time, money, and stress for you and your loved ones

How FreeWill Works?

1. Fill out online

It only takes 20 minutes to fill out the information needed to create your last will and testament.

2. Print out forms

The information you provide is combined with the precise language of our legal forms, and provided back to you as a printable will.

3. Sign & keep safe

To make your will official, print and sign the will according to the attached instructions. Keep your new will somewhere safe but accessible.

Or Pair FreeWill with an attorney

If you have a larger estate, children with special needs, or complicated family dynamics, or, for any other reason, you require customized legal advice, you may want to pair FreeWill with an experienced attorney’s help.

We provide all our will-makers with free forms and a free summary of their will intentions to bring to an attorney (saving time and money).

FreeWill by the numbers


wills created


committed to charity

Frequently asked questions

· Why is FreeWill free?

FreeWill's no-charge product is supported by nonprofit organizations. Many of our will-makers choose to leave a portion of their estate to charity, and we hope you'll consider doing the same. FreeWill never sells your personal data to third-parties. For more details on our commitment to data security, please read our privacy (opens in new window) and security (opens in new window) policies.

· Do I need a will?

A will is important for everyone and can be useful regardless of estate size. It’s a way to support the people and causes important to you. Having a will ensures that your wishes are known, saving your loved ones the stress and cost of intestate probate proceedings.

· Does FreeWill offer other end-of-life planning documents?

Yes! We have advance healthcare directives (opens in new window) (also known as healthcare proxies or living wills), and durable financial powers of attorney (opens in new window) as well. All are free to create.

· Can I change my will?

Yes! Your circumstances and wishes may change after you’ve completed your will. If that happens, you can make a new will to replace your old one. All you have to do is sign the new will with witnesses and remember to destroy the previous one.

Make your will with FreeWill today

Planned Giving Options

Your Will for Free

Get peace of mind

Just 20 minutes to create or update your legally binding will

Already included us in your will? Let us know by filling out this form (opens in new window).

 NOTE: Not for pledge payments

Make your free Revocable Living Trust

Minimize the cost and delays of the probate process and make sure your wishes are carried out, easy and 100% for free.

What is a Revocable Living Trust?

A revocable living trust is an estate planning tool that can be used to distribute your possessions to people and organizations when you pass away.

To take full advantage of your revocable living trust, you need to transfer your assets and property to the trust during your lifetime. Once you (the trust's Grantor and Initial Trustee) pass away, a Successor Trustee will distribute the property in the trust according to your wishes outlined in the trust agreement.

 NOTE: Not for pledge payments

Why create a Revocable Living Trust?

To avoid probate
Avoid costly fees and delays by allowing your assets to be distributed without going through probate.

To protect your privacy
Leave your assets to your heirs without subjecting them to public proceedings.

To make a plan together
Create a trust with your spouse or partner so you can protect each other, as well as your children and other beneficiaries.

Beneficiary Designations

Thanks to FreeWill, you can easily plan beneficiaries for your non-probate assets in one place.

Did you know?

  • Having a valid will in place isn’t enough.
  • Assets you pass on outside of your will are called non-probate assets. They include lRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, life insurance policies, and certain bank and brokerage accounts.
  • If beneficiaries are properly set for these non-probate assets (opens in new window), ownership can transfer faster than your assets that must go through probate.

Thanks to FreeWill, you can easily plan beneficiaries for your non-probate assets in one place.

 NOTE: Not for pledge payments

Make your will with FreeWill today
