The Big Bang and The Sages: Modern Science Catches Up With The Ancient Puranas

About the authors

Madhavendra Puri Das has been a Vaishnava monk since 1982 and has studied the Puranas in detail for many years. His avid reading in the fields of Physics, Geology and Paleontology enabled him to recognize the close correlation between Puranic accounts and those of modern science. Sidharth Chhabra has a Master’s Degree from the University of Michigan in Information Science. He has contributed to conferences at MIT, the University of Washington, IIIT Hyderabad, the University of Paris, the University of Dublin and other Universities. He has studied Sanskrit from an early age, which allows him to read the Puranas in the original Sanskrit. That, combined with Sanskrit Natural Language Processing tools, enabled him to team up with Madhavendra Puri Das to discover that the Puranas anticipate sophisticated scientific data in a wide range of fields.

For more information about the author visit his website at:

Could anyone imagine that ancient texts stated the age of the solar system and the universe to within 0.1% of the modern scientific values? Neither could these scientists, before reading this book:

“It is hard to find an author who is expert in widely separated branches of science, but Chhabra and Das have dexterously sewn together state-of-the-art discoveries in five fields: cosmology, astrophysics, geology, paleontology, and embryology.”

Prof. S. Ghosh, Columbia University

“This book illustrates how the Puranas provide both a microscopic and telescopic view of the physical world from which modern science can learn and benefit.”

Prof. R. Buyya, University of Melbourne

“The authors bury skeptics under an avalanche of well-researched facts. A real tour-de-force of scientific expertise.”

Prof. K. Pahan, Rush University

“You have synthesized challenging material from at least four different fields into a thought provoking and compelling vindication of the Puranic cosmo-chronological order.”

A Saha, Smithsonian Museum of American History

  • Authors:Sidharth Chhabra, Madhavendra Puri Das
  • Published:December 17, 2020
  • Book size:212 pages
  • Formats:Kindle, Paperback