Science, Spirituality and the Nature of Reality
A brilliant dialogue between Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. T. D. Singh about Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Cosmology, ... -
Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion
This book presents a unique vision for the New Millennium. It contains a collection of essays and thoughts on the sy... -
Vedanta and Science: Reality of God’s Existence
Questions about the nature of time have always been an important part of physics and philosophy, but they have never... -
Life and Origin of the Universe (Vedanta and Science)
What is life? What is the origin of the universe? Is there any meaning and purpose behind the manifestation of life ... -
God, Intelligent Design and Fine-Tuning
As one journey through the newly discovered marvels of the cosmos and life discussed in this volume - God, Intellige... -
Life and Spiritual Evolution
Taking insights from the Vedantic literatures, the author, Dr. T. D. Singh, presents a new holistic paradigm about l... -
Vedanta and Embryology
Human embryology is a fascinating field. However, there are still several questions that remain unanswered and myste... -
Man and Nature (Vedanta and Science)
From the dawn of civilization man has been always interested in the mysteries of nature. But what is nature? What is... -
Consciousness: Scientific and Vedantic Perspectives
Questions about the nature of time have always been an important part of physics and philosophy, but they have never... -
Essays on Science and Religion
Science and religion are the two most dominant forces of humanity in the search for the ultimate meaning of life and... -
Mysticism: A meeting point of science and religion
What are the various mysteries in physics, mathematics, life-sciences or cosmology? How does a scientist or a mystic... -
God Is a Person
Are God and His personality are mere an imagination of human mind? Or does He really exist with divine attributes? I...
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