The TOVP has already received much acclaim and recognition for its grandeur and size. However, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Our staff photographer took a trip to Navadwip and took photos showcasing the view of the temple from across the Ganga. Captured from a distance, these pictures underscore how formidably the super structure stands against the landscape.
Also taken were recent shots of the TOVP nursery. Located at the local Jagannath Mandir, the nursery boasts over 2000 trees. Additional specimens are expected. The trees will be attended and grown until landscaping begins. At this time, the trees will have blossomed and be ready for transplanting.
Some surprise photos submitted to the TOVP office show how the influence of the temple’s design has extended into the native culture. The celebrations for the past Durga Puja had sites marked with elements taken from released drawings.
Whether standing tall and firm in the Mayapur countryside, as a template for mandals or in the foresight to plan luscious gardens, the impact of the TOVP weighs deep. Its prestige marks the power all devotees have to effect change in the name of Mahaprabhu’s movement.