When it is perfection that is being pursued, there is nothing that can deter your success. There isn’t a dearth of corroborative examples and the following account is surely one such.
As a representative of the team, Vilasini devi dasi, the Head Architect for ToVP arrived at Shanghai on 18th September. The purpose of this visit was a meeting with the technical team of Shanghai Metal Corp., a leading name in the manufacture and supply of metal and allied products.
Going the conventional way, Stainless Steel with a gold finish, was the material of choice for the Kalash, Chakra and a few other elements on the temple exterior. The key requirements for the coating included a longevity of at least 500 years and low maintenance. After intensive research by Bhaskara Das and Parvata Muni Das, Titanium Nitride was picked as the material for coating the stainless steel . China has always been one of the forerunners in providing metal products of unmatched quality in the market. Also, it was found during the research they had the infrastructure to complete the task at hand in around 45 days which their Indian counterparts took at least 5 years to finish. Hence, a Chinese company of good repute, Shanghai Metal Corp. (SMC) was identified.
With extensive support from Sadbhuja Das (Managing Director), Parvata Muni Das and Bhaskara Das (Research team), Vilasini conducted the preliminary discussions with SMC, post which the a fore-mentioned meeting was scheduled for the 19th of September, 2014. The key agenda of the meeting was to consult with the technical team on the methodological specifics and logistics involved.
On her arrival, Vilasini found Shanghai city to be a modernized and multicultural metropolis with a charming mix of the old and new.
Vilasini was warmly welcomed at SMC. Their excellent workmanship was visible in the samples on display in their office. This was definitely a reassuring first impression.
SMC is one of the top companies in China as well the world with around 13 offices and subsidiaries located throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Their technology and technical knowledge is most impressive although they were unforthcoming about promoting their products.
With much prodding and nudging, Vilasini did succeed in gleaning all the required information from them.
From left to right: Mark, Michael, Bryan (Managing Director), Vilasini and Nishanth
By and large, it was a successful meeting. SMC also provided samples for 1.2mm Stainless Steel with Titanium Nitride coating in gold and blue shades which will be used for the temple Kalash and other architectural elements.
The meeting was concluded satisfactorily on both ends with the following points agreed upon
- SMC will supply all components done as per our requirements
- They will also provide technical support for installation
Vilasini also had the wonderful opportunity to meet with a few devotees in Shanghai and be a part of the kirtan during a yoga convention while she was there.
It is Krishna’s mercy and to Vilasini’s credit that this was indeed a successful trip and that she managed to survive those 3 days on food almost amounting to nothing. The trip could be summarized in the following impressions from her diary:
Racing cars, stretched eyes, babies in pairs,
People running hither and others running thither,
I enter the Chinese realm, not to holiday,
But to put a cap on Gauranga’s home,
For 500 years that it should stay.