With TOVP’s state-of-the-art Flipbook service, we are able to increasingly offer various publications, calendars and promotional materials as viewable, downloadable, shareable and printable Flipbooks on the TOVP website.
Now available are the North America and India 2022 calendars, set to the theme of the Prabhupada Welcome Ceremony from October 14 and 15 this year celebrating the arrival of Srila Prabhupada to his new home in the TOVP. All Vaisnava and important secular days are included.
Visit the TOVP Flipbook Page to view the calendars and other flipbooks we have created for your transcendental pleasure, and share them with others.
The TOVP Announces – Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival, March 2 – 5, 2022
Celebrating 5 Anniversaries in 1 Festival
The TOVP Team is pleased to announce the upcoming, all-auspicious Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival from March 2 – 5, 2022. This will be a festival to top all festivals, commemorating the anniversary of five important events in the history of ISKCON:
- 50th Anniversary of Chota Radha Madhava’s Installation
- 50th Anniversary of the ISKCON Mayapur Gaur Purnima Festival
- 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada Laying the TOVP Cornerstone
- 50th Anniversary of Jananivas Prabhu as Mayapur Head Pujari
- 100th Anniversary of Prabhupada Receiving Bhaktisiddhanta’s Order
For more information visit the Radha Madhava Golden Jubilee Festival page on the TOVP website.
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