Yesterday was the disappearance day of our beloved Srila Prabhupada. For the celebration we invited him to come on his palanquin after Guru-puja to the new temple for a special kirtan and circumambulation. Along with His Divine Grace, devotees were also invited to join the parikrama to the ToVP site. What transpired inside the temple room was a shared feeling of awe and reverence for the vision Srila Prabhupada had for Mayapur.
Ever since the temple construction started, devotees and pilgrims have wanted to visit the site and see for themselves the magnificence of the grandest temple built in ISKCON’s history. When the main temple room floor took shape, the opportunity to come on site presented itself and we wanted to mark a special day to open it up. Inviting Srila Prabhupada on his disappearance day was the perfect plan so we cordially invited all to come and fill the temple with kirtan and joy.
When everyone was in, and Srila Prabhupada had taken center stage, the temple looked surprisingly sparse! At least 500 devotees had come on the parikrama and this number of people usually fills up the existing temple, especially on a festival Sunday. The great magnitude was a surprise for one and all, especially the residents of Mayapur who see the project every day.
After Srila Prabhupada circumambulated the center 3 times, he and the party proceeded to the samadhi for the rest of the celebrations.
Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!
Thank you to all who came and shared this wonderful occasion with us!