We departed from Toronto, Canada and arrived in Atlanta, Georgia on Friday, June 5th for the weekend of the Rathayatra and Panihati Festival. The Atlanta Yatra is also one of the original temples opened during Srila Prabhupada’s physical presence, and he visited a number of times, exhibiting various pastimes, including going into a deep trance of devotional love for several minutes before the main Deities, Gaur Nitai.
We initially intended on doing the TOVP presentation on Sunday, but felt the time was not appropriate for a focused TOVP program. We rescheduled for August 15th, although Jananivas prabhu and the Padukas and Sitari will not be present. The following descriptions and photos are from our 7 day stay in which we also visited the homes of many local devotees:
Friday, June 5
Arrival in Atlanta, New Panihati Dhama, the home of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra and Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan. We stayed at the temple during the entire stay. Jananivas gave morning Bhagavatam classes during this time.
Saturday, June 6
Atlanta Rathayatra
Sunday, June 7
Abhisheka of the Padukas and the Panihati Festival
Monday, June 8
Breakfast at the home of Lakshman Ram prabhu and family
Lunch at the home of Vrshabhanu and Shyam Bihari prabhus
Dinner at the home of Gita prabhu and family
Tuesday, June 9
Breakfast at the home of Adi Gadadhar prabhu and family
Lunch at the home of Ramachandra prabhu and family
Evening program at the temple with Jananivas prabhu
Wednesday, June 10
Breakfast at the home of Temple President, Vedasara prabhu and family
Lunch at the home of Saci Prana Gaura Hari prabhu and family
Thursday, June 11
Stopover at Govinda’s Café for lunch before departing for New York
All glories to Lord Nityananda Rama. All glories to the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.