We departed from Boone, North Carolina where the Sadhu Sanga Retreat took place for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday, May 25th, arriving at the home of Gopal Gauranga das and Anandini Radha devi dasi for evening prasadam. From there we went to the home of Shyamsundar das and Radhika Sundari devi dasi who were our hosts for the next few days. He coordinates the devotional programs in the Pittsburgh area from a rented room in a nearby Unitarian Church.
On Tuesday, May 26th we had lunch at Shyamsundar’s home and made preparations for the TOVP program that evening. Arriving at the program location, we set up our displays and enthusiastic devotees started arriving and filling the room. The program began with puspa abhisheka for the Lord’s Padukas and Sitari along with arati, after which Radha Jivan and Jananivas prabhus spoke to everyone about the TOVP project. The heartfelt presentation touched the hearts of all the devotees, and from this small but dedicated community we received $155,000 in pledges. The program ended with kirtan and prasadam.