Request for Prayers for His Holiness Bhakti Charu Maharaja
Thu, June 18, 2020
by Braja Vilasa Das
Dear Maharajas and Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We are all distressed to hear the news that His Holiness Bhakti Charu Maharaja has recently contracted the Corona Virus and is in critical condition in the ICU unit of a hospital in the U.S. We therefore immediately made arrangements to
- Published in Announcements
TOVP Care Announces a Goodwill Campaign – Daily Nrsimha Yajna for Devotee Protection
Sun, April 12, 2020
by Sunanda Das
As Nrsimha Caturdasi is less than a month away, and the dangers of the worldwide Corona virus pandemic hang over everyone’s heads into the foreseeable future (several devotees have unfortunately already passed away from the virus), the TOVP Management has made an important decision to call on Mayapur Nrsimha’s help. ISKCON Mayapur is the World
- Published in Fundraising
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#Giving TOVP Fundraiser, corona virus, Goodwill Campaign, Lord Nrsimha, Nrsimha yajna, TOVP Care
The #GivingTOVP & TOVP Care Campaign – H.G. Braja Vilasa Prabhu Speaks Out
Sat, April 04, 2020
by Sunanda Das
His Grace Braja Vilasa prabhu speaks about the forthcoming #GivingTOVP & TOVP Care Combined Fundraising Campaign starting on April 26 (Akshaya Tritiya) until May 6 (Nrsimha Caturdasi. This simultaneous fundraiser will raise funds for both the completion of Lord Nrsimha’s temple wing and altar for the opening during Gaura Purnima in 2021 and assist ISKCON
- Published in Fundraising
#GivingTOVP Matching Fundraiser & TOVP Care Emergency Fund Campaign
Wed, April 01, 2020
by Darpa-ha Krishna das
The second annual #GivingTOVP 10 Day Matching Fundraiser will soon begin on April 26(Akshaya Tritiya) until May 6 (Nrsimha Caturdasi) to raise funds for the completion of Lord Nrsimha’s temple wing and altar for the opening celebration during Gaura Purnima 2021. However, we are all too aware of the disastrous effects of the Corona virus
- Published in Fundraising
TOVP Corona Virus Message
Fri, March 20, 2020
by Ambarisa Das
Dear TOVP Donors, Supporters and Friends, Please accept our heartfelt obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We have prepared a special video message for all of you and for all ISKCON devotees worldwide regarding the corona virus pandemic and the unprecedented influence it is having on the entire human race. We are not taking this
- Published in Announcements
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corona virus